Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) by Carolyn Nystrom Essay

Carolyn Nystrom †¢ Illustrated by Sandra Speidel Before I †¦ THE GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX SERIES Sample from Before I Was Born / ISBN 9781600060144 Copyright  © 2008 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. †¦ God’s Design for Sex is a series of books you can read with your children at ages three to five, five to eight, RESOURCE LIST: SEX EDUCATION – Focus on the Family: Helping †¦ GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 2: BEFORE I WAS BORN by Carolyn Nystrom †¦ sex, why sex should be shared only in marriage, what the Bible says about sex, and much more. GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 4: †¦ ) n 3 # W – Toronto Chinese Christian Parenting Association †¦ 049 Before I was Born (God’s Design for Sex Ages 5 to 8) Carolyn Nystrom 050 †¦ 088 The ABC’s of Handling Money God’s Way Howard & Bev Dayton let’s talk about it – Bible Fellowship Church Ages 5-8 God’s Design for Sex Series: Before I Was Born by Stan Jones Ages 8-11 God’s Design for Sex Series: What’s The Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex by Stan Jones Books for Teens Every Young Man’s Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real Bibliography of Books on Sexuality for Children and Parents conservative Christian â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† series is designed to help young adolescents to understand and deal with the changes †¦ Before I was Born. Illustrated by Sandra Speidel. Navpress, 2007. The second book in the â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† series, written Sex Education in the Christian Family The God’s Design For Sex Book Series How And When To Tell Your Kids About Sex is a handbook for parents; the four children’s books are designed †¦ Before I Was Born (Book 2 for ages 5 to 8) by Carolyn Nystrom What’s The Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex †¦ Purity, Dating and Courtship Resource List God’s Design for Sex – resource pack Book #1: †¦ – Stan and Brenna Jones Book #2: Before I Was Born (ages 5-8) – Carolyn Nystrom Book #3: What’s the Big Deal – Why God Cares About Sex (ages 8-11) †¦ Before You Meet Prince Charming How can young people be committed to purity and to †¦ How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex Hiding God’s Word in one’s heart will enable your children to make wise decisions in †¦ Start with the God’s Design for Sex Series by Stan and Brenna †¦ How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex (ages 3-5); Before I Was Born (ages 5-8); What’s the Big Deal: Why God Cares About Sex Pastor Keith Missel * Prior Lake Campus * December 14, 2011 Thinking Right About God’s Design:God’s Design: Gender . is good. †¦ Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old— †¦ so that we can have sex with them. †¦ Parents & Kids, Talking About Sex  © God’s Design for Sex Series – Encourages healthy communication between parents and children as it helps parents answer in age-appropriate terms the difficult or embarrassing questions about †¦ Before I Was Born (Ages 5-8) by Carolyn Nystrom, IBSN 08910-98445 What the Bible says about those of the same sex. imosexuality part of God’s original s ho design? Did God create homosexuality? †¦ homosexuality was not a part of God’s design. ae people today born homosexuals?r What about the person who asks, †¦ before, as I have also told you in time past, †¦ 1 â€Å"Sex on the brain, pumped in my veins, flowing from my Few things we need to clarify before we go any further†¦ 1. †¦ hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. 5 †¦ Sex according to God’s design is only to happen between a man and a women within the confines of marriage†¦ Why Marriage is the Union of a Man and a Woman before the Australian Parliament aims to change the current definition of marriage to allow same sex †¦ in which children are to be born and raised. God’s design is that sexual union is not only an †¦ Other passages deal with sex before marriage (Deuteronomy 22:13-21), prostitution †¦ people to dwell on their relationship with God. Your role is †¦ discovering and owning the truths of God’s Word. †¦ â€Å"I was born gay.† What we allow through our complacency today, will be celebrated by our children tomorrow. †¦ indicate about God’s design for gender/sexuality, marriage and sex? 7. God’s Design—Your Choice – Global Reach 75 God’s Design—Your Choice UNIT STUDENT REPORTS AND ANSWER SHEETS STUDENT REPORT DIRECTIONS When you have completed your study of each unit, ? ll out the answer sheet for that unit. Title A Baby Costs $785 a Month, How Much is Your Allowance †¦ Before I Was Born: Designed for Parents to Read to Their Child at Ages 5 Through 8 (Gods Design for Sex) Begin With Love: †¦ (God’s Design for Sex, Book 3) What’s the Big Secret?: Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys When Teens Have Sex: Issues and Trends Kid County Special Report SEX EDUCATION RESOURCES – Focus on the Family GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 1: THE STORY OF ME by Stan and Brenna Jones (NavPress) †¦ GOD?S DESIGN FOR SEX BOOK 2: BEFORE I WAS BORN by Carolyn Nystrom (Navpress) †¦ BORN IN GRACE applied to all of God’s handiwork. †¦ school. As students assembled before class, boys in one line and girls in another, Larry often found himself standing between the two rows: †¦ anatomical sex are simply born that way. †¦ Same Sex Marriage: P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S and P-R-O-M-I-S-E-S for †¦ Same Sex Marriage: P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S and †¦ For us to believe that all who claim to be homosexual are simply born that way is for †¦ First Corinthians chapters 6 and 7; and Jude. When Jesus talks about God’s design for marriage in Mark chapter 10, He refers to Genesis chapter 2. Title: Baker †¦ A Baby Costs $785 a Month, How Much is Your Allowance †¦ Before I Was Born: Designed for Parents to Read to Their Child at Ages 5 Through 8 (Gods Design for Sex) Begin With Love: †¦ (God’s Design for Sex, Book 3) What’s the Big Secret?: Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys When Teens Have Sex: Issues and Trends Kid County Special Report. Have To Say About It†¦. each other and the opposite sex. I see the men keeping occupied with the †¦ (God’s) design for you. Did you know, woman, that †¦ know, not just what those before you know? It happens in yourself and that Child Safety Bibliography Before I Was Born. Navpress. †¦ Book 2 of the series â€Å"God’s Design for Sex† for ages 5-8. Training Children - /talking_to_your_kids_about_sexual_abuse.aspx †¦ â€Å"Ask Before You Hug: Sexual Harassment in the Church† When God’s Good Gifts are Defiled: The Sinner and The †¦ prodigal lives before our God. †¦ 34.6 percent of babies were born to unmarried women, with the avaerage age of unwed mothers increasing with each passing year †¦ God’s holy design for sexuality is being splattered like a bug on a windshield. Something . 3 Premise Christians are commanded by their God to love their †¦ discussion of same sex marriage and the Christian †¦ We are all equally guilty before God. We all are natural born sinners – born with the sin of Adam within our hearts. †¦ This is God’s design and God’s standard – one that Jesus clearly affirmed. CHRISTIAN LIVING BIBLE STUDIES – Lighted Way GOD KNEW you before you were born.LESSON STUDY Jeremiah 1:5 â€Å"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; †¦ work of God’s design. You are God’s child. †¦ A severe form of self-rejection is wishing that you were born the opposite sex, †¦ Download Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) Full version Read This First: We offer two ways that you can get this book for free, You can choose the way you like! You must provide us your shipping information after you complete the survey. All books will be shipped from Amazon US or Amazon UK depending on your region! Please share this free experience to your friends on your social network to prove that we really send free books! Tags:Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex), Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) By Carolyn Nystrom, Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) PDF Download Full PDF Version of This Book – Free Download Before I Was Born (God’s Design for Sex) pdf ebooks free Download The Four Loves pdf ebooks free Download The Intolerance of Tolerance pdf ebooks free Download The Weight of Glory pdf ebooks free Download The Arising Voice ( Vol. 3) A Book Series for Christian Disciple pdf ebooks free Download The Good and Beautiful God: Falling in Love with the God Jesus K pdf ebooks free Download Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life pdf ebooks free Download The Arising Voice ( Vol. 3) A Book Series for Christian Disciple pdf ebooks free Download Voice in the Night pdf ebooks free Download Life Changing pdf ebooks free Other PDF Books: Download The Four Loves pdf ebooks by C.S. Lewis Download The Intolerance of Tolerance pdf ebooks by D. A. Carson Download The Weight of Glory pdf ebooks by C. S. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019


riters. The reason for this is because writers usually think of new interesting articles that will leave something to readers and will make an impression for them in order to become historical figures. I also feel they decided to become writers because of their upbringing and their beliefs which were implicit in their judgments. The main key to becoming individuals is to look at ourselves honestly and objectively (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This takes courage because it often involves abandoning wishful thinking and destroying cherished illusions about ourselves (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). So with this in mind I think they did this when they decided to become writers during their time. 5. In this class, we have discused common habits that hinder critical thinking. Which of these habits may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issues that led to the Boston Tea Party? How could they have overcome those habits? Some of the common habits that hinder critical thinking which may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issue that led to the Boston Tea Party are the mine is better and the face saving habits. The mine is better habit is a habit that is hard to break. It basically speaks for itself. So they may have thought that their view of the Boston Tea Party was better than anyone else’s. Then you have the face saving habits which like the mine is better habit, face saving habit is a natural tendency arising from our ego. This usually occurs after we have said or done something that threatens to disturb our self image or the image others have of us (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This is better know as the defense mechanism, meaning it is a strategy used to protect our image. This would be why they would have used this form of habit when critically thinking. Another common habit they may have used is resistance to change. Resistance to change is the tendency to reject new ideas and new ways of seeing or doing without examining them fairly. They may have used this in hindering their decision on how to write about the Boston Tea Party. 6. What is one important distinction you could not overlook making when critically evaluating the information provided in these materials about the Boston Tea Party? Clarify the importance of that distinction. 7. What strategies of critical reading, listening, and viewing did you utilize when evaluating the provided materials? 8. Considering what you have learned about the Boston Tea Party, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Hutchinson, apply your creativity to describe what could have been done proactively to avoid the incident. Hum111 riters. The reason for this is because writers usually think of new interesting articles that will leave something to readers and will make an impression for them in order to become historical figures. I also feel they decided to become writers because of their upbringing and their beliefs which were implicit in their judgments. The main key to becoming individuals is to look at ourselves honestly and objectively (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This takes courage because it often involves abandoning wishful thinking and destroying cherished illusions about ourselves (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). So with this in mind I think they did this when they decided to become writers during their time. 5. In this class, we have discused common habits that hinder critical thinking. Which of these habits may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issues that led to the Boston Tea Party? How could they have overcome those habits? Some of the common habits that hinder critical thinking which may have been a factor in how Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson viewed the issue that led to the Boston Tea Party are the mine is better and the face saving habits. The mine is better habit is a habit that is hard to break. It basically speaks for itself. So they may have thought that their view of the Boston Tea Party was better than anyone else’s. Then you have the face saving habits which like the mine is better habit, face saving habit is a natural tendency arising from our ego. This usually occurs after we have said or done something that threatens to disturb our self image or the image others have of us (Vincent Ryan Ruggiero 2009). This is better know as the defense mechanism, meaning it is a strategy used to protect our image. This would be why they would have used this form of habit when critically thinking. Another common habit they may have used is resistance to change. Resistance to change is the tendency to reject new ideas and new ways of seeing or doing without examining them fairly. They may have used this in hindering their decision on how to write about the Boston Tea Party. 6. What is one important distinction you could not overlook making when critically evaluating the information provided in these materials about the Boston Tea Party? Clarify the importance of that distinction. 7. What strategies of critical reading, listening, and viewing did you utilize when evaluating the provided materials? 8. Considering what you have learned about the Boston Tea Party, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Hutchinson, apply your creativity to describe what could have been done proactively to avoid the incident.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Allegations Of Anti Competitive Behavior In Markets Economics Essay

Allegations Of Anti Competitive Behavior In Markets Economics Essay A market is a place  within  which suppliers and  demanders  of any product interact. This interaction determines what gets  caused  and  overwhelmed  via the  gesture  of the market price. All  business   organizations must have a  relevant  knowledge regarding the markets  within  which they operates. Before discussing the markets which are investigated by the various anti competitive authorities it is very important to discuss the markeet structure in which those markets falls. The fundamental thought of market structure is midpoint to both economics and marketing. Both disciplines are afraid with strategic decision making. In decision making examination, market design has a valued job through its consequences on the decision-making environment (Baumol, 1961; Yadav1995) Understanding the reasons and effects of focused industry framework remains to pose a formidable contest for industrial organizations markets in which firms can differentiate their commodities are notably complex, as each person firm’s commodity option affects it’s possesses profitability, and the extent of commodity differentiate impacts the intensity of competition for all market participation According to Moschandreas (2000) it is very difficult to define a market but  later  setting  perimeters  it is  straightforward  to define industry which includes all the firms operating in an  individual  market. In economics markets can be categorized according to the structure of the industry and industry structure is classified on the basis of market structure variables which determine the extent and characteristics of competition.  So different firms operate in different types of markets which is known as market structure. It includes various features like number of firms in the markets and types of product they are dealing with.The competitiveness of the market depends on the power of the individual firms to influence market price s. The long run profitability of firm is judged from their performance in their particular market. So we can say that market structure determines the behaviour of firms and which determines the performance of firms. According to Chrystal, K.A perfect competition ,monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. Monopoly and perfect competition lie in the too extreme. In the monopoly industry contains only one firm, which can, therefore sets its price without concern about how competiting firms in the industry will react. Perfect competition is a market form where there are several firms competing within an industry. In this type of market structure, firms are price takers, free to enter the industry and produce identical products (Sloman & Sutcliffe, 2001). In the perfect competition market there are large numbers of buyers and sellers, selling homogeneous product, without having any market power means firms can’t influence the market price and output of product so the fir m in perfect competition is a price taker. There are no barriers regarding entry and exit of firms from perfect competition. The large number of firms and the homogeneity of product ensure that each product has a negligible effect on market price and output. Mobility of both sellers and buyers means that if a price difference were to open up it would be exploited immediately. Consequently the possibilities of difference prices prevailing in the same market can be ignored.( Chrystal, K.A & Lipsey, R.G 1997).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Using examples, discuss critically in what circumstances is it right Essay

Using examples, discuss critically in what circumstances is it right to whistleblow - Essay Example lowing has been practiced for a very long time, and this is especially common in the corporate world which means it largely involves the employee/employer relationship in working places. In the UK, the whistleblowing practice first came to light and consideration following the enactment of the Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) that was meant to lay the basis of all disclosure cases including whistle blowing. Since then, there have been an increased liberty in the manner through which people have handled cases of unsatisfying or harsh conditions at public offices and places of work with statistics showing that this has led to an improved state of resources and employee management. According to the Act, whistle blowing is classified as all forms of reports from workers on suspicion of wrongdoing at their respective places of work. These reports are meant to reveal this kind of information to other publics in what is referred to as making a disclosure for the sake of public interest. According to the Act, a worker is required to whistle blow if faced with various circumstances especially those that involve neglect of duties by an organisation or an individual in the place of work. These circumstances include; criminal offences being carried out at the place of work, when the organisation or an individual facilitates another person’s exposure to danger or unsafeness, where environment is facing damage, unlawfulness at the place of work and someone covering up cases of wrongdoing. A worker is supposed to report any form of criminal activity taking place in an organisation. A good example is seen in an organisation or an individual getting involved in activities such as theft, money laundering or drug business. A worker should also raise concerns if a company engages in practices that lead to degradation of the environment such as releasing untreated industrial waste into the environment. A worker can also raise a concern in cases where the safety of workers

The Three Principal Sectors of the MICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Three Principal Sectors of the MICE - Essay Example After that the participants had to lobby the government for rebates and also had to persuade the companies to continue having business meetings and conferences and also to give incentives to their employees. This is important because when people come for business meetings they also spend on other things such as food, shopping entertainment and this revenue is earned by the destination that is the city or state. When revenues are received and business is growing, then investment is made by the government and the private sector as well to improve the facilities so that the can attract more business. This means that this industry ultimately leads to economic development of the destination. This report focus on the MICE industry of UK, its economic importance and trends, problems faced by it and how it can deal with these problems and attract more tourism. Economic importance for UK Economic importance of this industry for UK is that it provides a stable business for hotels as it had don e when the recession of 2008 affected the core business of hotels badly. The MICE industry of UK is also an important part of the tourism industry. As there are many people who come for meetings, conference etc. from other countries and therefore the money spend by them on recreation and other entertainment is actually generating revenue for the tourism industry. ... xford Economic and Deloitte showed that the MICE industry was the fifth largest industry of UK worth ?115 billion and employing around 2.6 million people and this is expected to grow to 2.9 million till 2020. In the year 2010, UK ranked number 6th overall in the world and is very competitive globally. This industry provides jobs and is one of the industries in which work cannot be outsourced to other countries thereby creating job opportunities for the local people. Moreover it also helps in building the community as it brings business not only to the cities but also to the rural and coastal areas. Other than that, it builds an image of Britain in the eyes of the world as Britain has become famous for the business conferences and meetings. (UK Tourism Growing Faster Than Other Industries, 2010) Historical performance in UK: MICE industry in UK has seen the largest growth in the last two decades. MICE industry of UK has been very competitive as it keeps updating its technology, revamp ing its venues and also building new ones. In the year 2000, UK was the second largest player in the conference market (after Australia) with a market share of the exhibitions industry in UK, most of the exhibitions were for the service sector and on second number was the culture and recreation sector. The incentive sector at that time was still at its infancy stage and had a lot of potential to grow. (The UK & London Conference Market, 2010) The demand for MICE industry has been on a declining trend after 2006 but the largest downfall was seen in 2009 when demand fell by 22% due to the economic recession of 2008.A further decrease of 5% was also seen in 2010. UK has been one of the most popular destinations for overseas meeting. In 2009, UK ranked fourth in Europe after Italy and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Philosophy of Filmanalysis of filmTouch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958) Movie Review

Philosophy of Filmanalysis of filmTouch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958) - Movie Review Example For example, there are obvious film noir characteristics, most notably in the visualization of shots. Long shadows, angled lighting on characters, dingy settings, the suggestions of secrecy through mise-en-scene all testify to the film noir spirit. Moreover, the pivotal plot element of a murder (through bomb detonation) is consistent with the genre. While the cinematography is novel in this fashion, the core themes of the story are ancient and universal. Some critics have even identified Shakespearean themes in the film. â€Å"European cinephiles, who were quick to enshrine Welles in a pantheon of auteurs, easily incorporated the Shakespeare films into the Wellesian cinema, recognizing in them themes and dramatic emphases present as well the destructive consequence of power, even when employed in a just cause; the inevitability of betrayal; the loss of paradise—all of these films are, in their own way, Shakespearean texts, if in no other sense than in the way they impose a large, poetic intensity on questions of family and domesticity and thus wed the social with the personal.† (Anderegg, 1999, p. 70) In relation to Shakespearean texts, one can see shades of Othello and Hamlet in the personages of Quinlan and Vargas. While envy was the undoing of Othello, misplaced pride and egoism were the root of Quinlan’s suffering. It is not an exaggeration to claim that the main focus of the film is personal anguish, which, of course, is illustrated through the framework of a crime thriller. Despite the heavy boozing and smoking, a murky past and question marks over professional integrity, Captain Quinlan can still be interpreted as a hero, for he inevitably got the culprits convicted. His methods and means of achieving them are dubious, but the results were fair and just, even by his own evaluation. The famous ‘intuitions’ of Quinlan may not arise from systematic or scientific analysis, but they nearly always happen to be right. Even the framing of Sanchez

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employee motivation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee motivation - Case Study Example The subject context analyzes various environmental circumstances with close scrutiny on company performance. A discussion on the matter also tackles employee expectations and eventual outcomes in an organization. The authors use statistical data as indicators to the study presented. As such the article compares notes from various organizational settings. The context presented has several credible viewpoints to concerning employee motivation factors. The authors argue employee motivation factors from a logical perspective. The authors say â€Å"An organization as a whole clearly has to attend to the four fundamental emotional drives, but so must individual managers† (Nohria, Groysberg & Lee, 2008). According to this view managers have a responsibility to identify driving forces in the scope of employee motivation. However, the article has limitations to working environments that have complex structures. The authors have failed to provide alternatives to extended institutions. In my opinion, Employee Motivation by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee (2008) addresses significant issues that affect organizational performance. The approach used by the author is effective evidenced by the supported company analysis. Additional review of other related journals on the same topic would enrich the article

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critically analyse the effectiveness of United Nations Security Essay

Critically analyse the effectiveness of United Nations Security Council - Essay Example nal law is not an empty promise.† His rhetorics, however, were met with critical remarks from President Arias Sanchez of Costa Rica, who said that the United Nations had failed in its mission to make the world a safe place to live in. He accused the UNSC of continuously turning â€Å"a blind eye† to arms proliferation, as well as to countries that refused to ratify the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. He added that it was not possible for the world to be safe, if arms proliferation was not given top priority on the international agenda. His sentiments were echoed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who observed that Iran and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea , who were â€Å"right in front of us,† had violated Security Council resolutions to stop the testing of ballistic missiles (Security Council SC/ 9746, 2009). He stressed the need for all Council decisions to prove effective by producing positive results. Fore most on the minds of the Heads of State, however, was how the permanent five (P-5) members of the UNSC, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), propose to work together to solve the intractable nuclear issues that had existed since the Cold War. This essay seeks to analyze: i) politics within the United Nations Security Council, ii) reform in the United Nations Security Council, iii) the Security Council today - 21st Century, and iv) the role of the Secretary-General. The first major setback that paralyzed the United Nations Security Council from managing and handling international security issues effectively, was the use of vetoes by the five permanent members (P-5)(P. Wallensteen, P. Johansson, 2004: 20). During the Cold War period, a total of 193 vetoes were casted. Of these, forty-four were concerned with electing a new Secretary-General, fifty-four concerned the election of new members to the organization, while the rest of the vetoes were used as a show of rejection of draft resolutions

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Political Correctness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Correctness - Essay Example There are controversial issues associated with the terminology—those who are â€Å"pro† politically correct, and those who are â€Å"con† politically correct. The â€Å"pro† for changing the language has to do with the need to not have human beings stereotyped. One example of this is the â€Å"hillbilly† and â€Å"redneck† stereotype, which has recently been changed to â€Å"Appalachian Americans,† leaving people from this cultural background now open to scholarships and grants for which they might not have been eligible previously. Arguments abound against this issue, saying that it doesn’t give enough â€Å"freedom of speech† to the public and gives an unfair advantage to those of the political left. In order to remember which is which, think in terms of â€Å"left† as liberal and â€Å"right† as correct and conservative. If that becomes difficult, think of left hand and right hand. Most people see the right hand as the â€Å"correct† hand to use. This concept can be explained with the language used to describe the Indians who are indigenous to North America. It was only in the latter part of the twentieth century that these people were called anything other than Indian. They now are Native Americans in the United States, First Nations and Aboriginals in Canada, and Amerindians or derivatives thereof. None of these are universally used and none are considered exactly â€Å"politically correct.† The politically correctness is found in humor, especially through such comedians as Bill Mahr, who hosted a television show called â€Å"Politically Incorrect.† George Carlin also had a comical routine titled â€Å"Euphemisms. There are comically written books related to this topic. Among them are two of the earlier and famous examples are 1992s Politically Correct Manifesto by Saul Jerushalmy and Rens Zbignieuw X and 1994s Politically Correct Bedtime Stories by James Finn Garner, in which traditional fairy tales are rewritten

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Testing on Animals. Some people are FOR and some people are against Essay

Testing on Animals. Some people are FOR and some people are against - Essay Example Animal testing or animal research involves using animals other than humans for doing research. While such studies may involve mere observation of the animals or their behaviors, in most cases, tin many cases, they involve subjecting the animals to unnatural situations such as in the case of drug testing. Some of the animals that are commonly used in research include mice, guinea pigs, frogs, birds, zebra fish, and primates, to mention but a few (Humane Society International, 2014). Different organizations offer different statistics relating to the number of animals that are used for research across the world and in the U.S. annually. According to Speaking of Research (2014), between 13.6 and 25 million animals are used for research in the United States annually. According to ProCon (2014), roughly 26 million animals are subjected to research tests for commercial or scientific purposes in the United States of America alone annually. In New Zealand and Australia, in excess of six milli on animals are used for teaching and testing annually according to Animals Australia (2014). The statistics, as varied as they are for the few countries mentioned, are nothing short of appalling. The reality is that millions of animals are used for experimentation throughout the world, and more so in developed countries. Do Something (2014) notes that more than 100 million animals suffer burns, abuse, or are poisoned in labs in the United States annually. Many of the animals used for testing die accidentally during the tests or are intentionally killed by researchers. One wonders whether or not it is right for animals to be subjected to pain and suffering by humans as they try to look for solutions that face the world. Different people have different views concerning animal testing. While some experts note that animal testing is useful because it goes a long way in saving humans from preventable deaths and provides good testing grounds for new products, others note that the

Clean Edge Essay Example for Free

Clean Edge Essay Non-disposable razors recorded average growth of about 5% in retail sales during the period 2007 to 2010 whereas refill cartridge and disposable razors recorded growth of approximately 2% and 3% respectively for the same period. Innovations and new product introductions are the prime factors for the growth. Non-disposable razors and refill cartridge market is broadly classified into three segments namely value, moderate and super premium based on price and quality. Paramounts consumer research identified distinct segmentation in terms of product benefits and consumer behavior. % of non- disposable razor users are segmented as Involved Razor users, social/emotional shavers; 28% as Involved Razor users, aesthetic shavers and 33% as Uninvolved Razor users, maintenance shavers. Studies from 2009 showed that the retail sales of non- disposable razors and refill cartridge came from 25% volume of super-premium, 43% of moderate and 32% of value segments. In the last decade, the industry has experienced significant growth in the super premium segment. Product innovation and new technology is leading this sector for a number of new entrants. In 2008-09 the rate of new product innovation leads to 22 new SKUs to be introduced. SWOT Analysis Strengths Paramount Health and Beauty Companys biggest strength is that it is a well- established brand with deep pockets and a very good association with consumers. The product- Clean Edge Razor, that they nave released, is also technologically in the current market. Weaknesses best The company does not have a slice in the 37. 2% of the pie that corresponds to the super premium segment which has immense potential. Also there is a risk of launching the product in the wrong segment or positioning it wrongly. A wrong move could result in cannibalization of Paramount Pro, another product in their portfolio. Opportunities There is very good growth in the super premium segment especially in mens grooming. The market is also highly profitable so vendors are ready to stock the products. Also, the maintenance users are a market not ventured by any company till date. Hence the opportunities are immense. Threats A good number of competitors are trying to become the leader in this segment which is expected to grow in the future. The competitors could also catch up with the latest echnology and release a technologically more advanced product. Availability of alternatives like disposable and electric razors make a high threat of substitutes. Because of large number of products available and constant innovation in the sector it is very easy for the consumers to switch the companies. Hence, consumers have a high bargaining power. Entry barriers are low in the industry since no major R;D costs are involved and there are no major regulations. The bargaining power of the suppliers is low. Hence, overall the premium segment of nondisposable razors is an attractive industry to enter into. Positioning Strategy: The first strategy that we suggest is Niche Positioning, targeting the premium segment: As of now, the products released by Paramount in the non-disposable razer segment, Paramount Pro and Paramount Avail are positioned in the moderate segment and as a value -offering respectively. After three years of development, Paramount Health and Beauty Company has come up with a new technologically advanced vibrating razor called Clean Edge. Keeping in mind the superior technology used and the fact that Paramount has not launched a product targeting the premium egment, Paramount could adopt Niche Positioning while launching Clean Edge. However, there are certain disadvantages and advantages: Advantages: Positioning Paramounts Clean Edge as a niche will accentuate the companys product portfolio significantly. From the exhibits it is visible that it will result in high and consistent profit margins for the company and the risk involved will be less. Apart from that, the financial requirement of launching the product in the premium segment is only 15 million dollars as against 42 million dollars for the mainstream targeting. Disadvantages: As the trends suggests, understanding the fact that the premium segment has not been targeted significantly, almost all of Paramounts competitors have launched products for this segment. Also, for the past 5 years, the companys current products Pro and Avail have not introduced any new innovations as a result of which its customers are moving on to other competitors. The product pro is in the mature face and might need phasing out eventually. The second strategy that can be followed is Mainstream Positioning. The advantages and disadvantages of the same are as follows: Consumers are becoming more and more sophisticated day by day and expect more advanced technology. Paramounts bread and butter product, Pro was in the mature phase of the product lifecycle so there is a possibility of decline. Positioning Clean Edge as mainstream product will help prevent loyal Paramount customers from being wooed away to more innovative brands. Main stream razor unit volumes are expected to capture over three times the volumes of the niche market in the first year. Clean Edge has the potential for true market domination and would quickly gain ass appeal. Disadvantages: Paramount already had product in mainstream positioning -Paramount Pro so launching it as mainstream positioning will dilute the brand power and will lead to cannibalization. More marketing support will be needed to reach the target masses. The company would require an extensive advertising campaign, considerable consumer promotions would be needed and thus the expenses associated with them will be huge. To reach full sales potential with this positioning, $42 million marketing budget would be needed for year one. Total sales of Paramount for Avail and Pro for first year (2009) and second year (2010) are calculated using the market size (retail sales) and corresponding market share, both real (2009)and estimated (2010), of Paramount. The cost of Cannibalization is calculated using total sales and percentage of cannibalization given. Analyzing the result, it is evident that launching the product is a profitable venture; however, the cost of cannibalization may change equations. The cost of cannibalization is lower for the niche market as compared to mainstream market. Although, cannibalization djustments give us losses for the first year in the case of both mainstream and niche, the profit obtained in the second year for mainstream is larger than niche market. Branding Strategy The branding should be done in such a way that it emphasizes Clean Edge Razor as a unique and breakthrough product with the usage of latest technology. However, given the tight advertising budget, it should use the well-established name of Paramount rather than build a brand based on the Clean Edge. This should help potential buyers connect with the product quickly and test it. This should ensure maximum sales. Recommendations Conclusion The recommendation is to introduce the Clean Edge into the marketplace as a niche product since data shows that consumers in the premium segment are willing to switch between the companies. Using advertising and promotion of the new product we can gain market share from competitors. Exhibit 8directly suppo rts this recommendation and snows that even though unit sales are less than main stream sales, the operating profit and the operating profits as % of sales is higher. In both year one and year two, this niche arket is profitable and growing. It is here that Paramount should focus its efforts on product introduction and positioning for the Clean Edge Razor. Once it has launched itself in the niche segment, Randall should then launch it, maybe after 2 to 3 years, in the mainstream category. As the data shows, both niche and mainstream strategy will help Paramount to raise its market share in super- premium non disposable razor segment. But the niche strategy will enables Clean Edge Razor to contribute profit and at the same time, limit the effect of cannibalizing Paramounts existing products.

Monday, July 22, 2019

System Modeling & Requirement Analysis Essay Example for Free

System Modeling Requirement Analysis Essay a)Discuss the strengths and the limitation of the traditional systems development life cycle (SDLC). Systems development life cycle or software development life cycle is a conceptual model. The systems development life cycle describes the stages in an information system development project (Marios Alexandrou 2011, para.1) which from begin till the end and maintenance of system. The objectives of traditional systems development life cycle are to ensure end-state solutions meet user requirement in support of business strategies goals (FrankKlucznik 2006, para.1) and provides detailed guides of all aspect of system development or scope to managers. Commonly, the traditional systems development life cycle has 5 phases. First phase is planning which identify and analysis what to do. Second is analysis, analyse the requirement of system. Third is design the usability, detail and architectural of system. Next is implementation or programming through software testing and testing code. The last is support to maintain the system. Strengths The traditional systems development life cycle is familiar and easy model to develop a system. This is because the most of designers and programmers familiar with traditional systems development life cycle. Besides that, many people understand and easy to learn the approach of traditional systems development life cycle which the steps are clearly outlined (Tayntor Christine B 2007). The traditional systems development life cycle is a systematic approach, so the software or system is created or a well planned pattern (Greekinterview 2008). Using traditional systems development life cycle approach in development of system will organise and manage the task for the system clearly and organised. The traditional systems development life cycle that emphasises on project control creates formal documentation. The formal documentation ensures the system requirement can be traced back to state business. The formal documentation also records the phases of traditional systems development life cycle, then the managers can used to maximise management control and used as references for next creation of system. During the traditional systems development life cycle, it creates many intermediate products during the phases of systems development. These intermediate products will be reviewed by both managers and users. The intermediate products tested by users or customers to check whether the system meets their requirements. The traditional systems development life cycle was useful for building large and complex system. The large and complex system requires a lot of plan and traditional systems development life cycle approach can solve these problems. The traditional systems development life cycle approach was highly structure and well-defined. Therefore, the system can be planned properly by using traditional systems development life cycle approach. Limitation However, the traditional systems development life cycle is a time consuming approach. Since the traditional systems development life cycle at least has 5 phases to create a system. Each phase requires a few days till some months to complete it. So it takes a few months or years to create system when run these phases for creation of system. In addition, it takes time to create documentation which need record the process of each phase. The traditional systems development life cycle is a costly or expensive approach for system development. Each phase of the approach requires a lot of money. The costs that used in each phase are the error of the process, cost for process and cost for experts that run the phase of the approach. Documentation in traditional systems development life cycle is costly to create because it needs to create in each phase and maintain the documentation. The traditional systems development life cycle may create generation of unnecessary document (Tayntor Christine B 2007). It will happen when people followed the process of each phase slavishly. These mostly happen to the inexperienced managers and staff that believe that all the processes are required to be documentation. The traditional systems development life cycle is an inflexible approach to develop a system where it hard and lack of responds to change of system development. Cutter (2000) states the traditional system development life cycle is full-short in the new e-business environment. They (traditional systems development life cycle) are unable to keep up with fast-paced ever-changing e-business project. Therefore these approach cannot use for easy creep scope of system development. The other limitation in traditional systems life cycle is the customer or user is involved only periodically (Tayntor Christine B 2007) in phase of the system development. The traditional systems development life cycle was mainly participant in the developing system while the users or customers only test the product at the end and less chances to give feedback for the system development. This may lead misunderstanding between designers, programmers, managers and customers about the requirements and functions of the system to be made.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Is Alcoholism A Disease?

Is Alcoholism A Disease? This paper explores ten published articles that report about alcoholism. There are two sides: alcoholism is a disease or not a disease. Most of articles agree with a statement alcoholism is a disease. However, some argue that alcoholism is just a treatable addiction and a choice. Also, people think alcoholism was named to help people recognize alcoholism is a serious problem. It can be compared to diabetes in a equal way that over eaters have a reaction to food and alcoholics to liquor. It is time to examine what the alcoholism really is and explains the reason of the result for people who believe that alcoholism as an addiction, not a disease. Alcoholism: Is Alcoholism a Disease? One of the serious problems in the United States is alcoholism. It is the concept of drinking a large amount of an alcoholic beverage and those people who cannot control themselves become alcoholics. Alcoholics should learn how to manage themselves from alcohol to live healthy and to avoid alcoholism. Alcoholism can cause bad habits and it may build to a more serious health problem later such as cancer. Some people argue that alcoholism is a disease concept and other believes alcoholism is a choice. According to Hobbs, the debate on whether alcoholism is a disease or a personal conduct problem has continued for over 200 years (2000). Now, lets discover what alcoholism really is. What is Alcoholism? To intelligently talk about the topic of whether alcoholism is a disease, the definition of alcoholism is necessary. When people talk about disease, they use the following three terms: disease, disorder, and syndrome. Mitchell (2001) explains the definition, symptoms of alcoholism and important way of recovery from alcohol. People who drink and do not become addicted to alcohol wind up suffering more devastating with the abuse of alcohol. According to Gorski, many experts and laypersons disagree about whether alcoholism is a biological disease or merely a bad habit (1998) but he argued that most alcoholics undoubtedly suffering from a biological disease and should to be treated accordingly by the management industry. Mitchell (2001) defined alcoholism as alcohol dependence syndrome and a disease characterized by loss of control, cravings, tolerance, and physical dependence. Glatt (1976) also said in Jellineks view, of his sense because physiopathological changes were involved: the lo ss of control and the inability to abstain varieties. These definitions are founded from Glatt (1976). Loss of control is the inability of stop drinking once it has begun. Craving means a strong need or urge to drink and tolerance is the require drinking greater amounts of alcohol to get high. Physical dependence means withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms were identified before the 20th century and people have been researched ever since. Alcoholics frequently are aware of the disrupting effects that they cannot or not willing to give up the strong physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. Mitchell further states, alcoholism is a treatable disease, the sooner a person is able to acknowledge a need for help, the better are his or her chances for recovery (2001). However, there is no guarantee people will quit drinking but will prove to struggle with alcohol in their everyday life. Alcoholism is a Disease Due to the alcoholism being defined as a fatal and continual disease characterized by physical dependence, tolerance, and pathological organ changes, it is a disease. The disease is many times fatal and progressive. Disease is characterized by uncontrollable over drinking, and alcohol use regardless of any consequence. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism explained, the craving that an alcoholic feels for alcohol can be as strong as the need for food or water and an alcoholic will continue to drink despite serious family, health, or legal problems (2008). Equal to other diseases, alcoholism is considered to be chronic. According to Gorski (1998), there are few different types of alcoholism. In the modern day, Dr. Benjamin Rush medical researcher studied alcoholism. The idea was discover an alcohol related syndrome of medical problems as a disease. His explanation of the symptoms was unfinished though. However, the inquiry began a procedure of alcoholism medical examination as a disease. In the middle of 1950, the medical examination concluded with the Yale and Rutgers schools of alcohol studies projects. These projects finally ended in a great significant part of information which created a convincing argument that alcoholism was in fact a disease. Congress of the United States seemed to be convinced and created the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to implement treatment programs all over the country. Overall, many people treating alcoholics never went back to the original source which clearly demonstrated an understanding of alcoholism; they divided alcoholism into five different subtypes: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Not all of alcohol problems are with the disease of alcoholism. These definitions are from Gorski (1998). Alpha alcoholics normally depend on psychological but without physical. Beta alcoholics are not physically addicted to the alcohol but related to physical health problems like liver damage. Gamma alcoholics are both physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol. Delta alcoholics are also physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol but drinking intensity does not increase. The epsilon alcoholics are same as the periodic alcoholic, one may have a period of relapses and a binge stays for a long time. Overall, gamma, delta, and epsilon alcoholics are disease. In past three years, the disease concept of alcoholism reviewed by Jellinek. According to Jellineks topology, gamma, delta, and epsilon alcoholisms met the criteria for disease. Therefore, not all but some of alcoholisms are consider as a disease. Alcoholism contains symptoms and the danger of increasing alcoholism is influenced by his or her genes and by lifestyle. According to Pace (2001), Dr. Charles Lieber treated a patient for pancreatitis and a heart problem. If the patient did not experienced from the alcoholism for years, he would not have these problems in his life. Doctors definitely could seek the medical consequences, even though the patient has been through treatment. Dr. Lieber always explains about the metabolism of alcohol to his patients. There are many different ways of breaking down alcohol used by the patient when alcoholic develops to alcoholism. We know that alcohol is eliminated from the body through the liver, which breaks down the alcohol to carbon dioxide and water. A normal liver cell produces two main enzymes. One is called alcohol dehydrogenase; it breaks the alcohol down to acetaldehyde, which is a poison. A good liver takes that acetaldehyde and with the help of a second enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase, further oxidizes it, breaking it down with a very complicated metabolic process, to carbon dioxide and water. Thats how the normal liver breaks down alcohol. As long as this system is working there is no problem. (Pace, 2001) Dr. Lieber explained that the enzyme is produced by the nucleus of the liver cell, cytochrome, when anyone develops alcoholism (Pace, 2001). Cytochrome allows the liver to break the alcohol faster but the enzyme produces infinite number of the acetaldehyde which is very toxic to the liver and cannot clear from the body. As the result, not enough second enzyme is available to continue the process of breaking alcohol. Therefore, alcoholics should be educated of how alcohol affects their liver. Patients should realize that they are having metabolic defects which affect their livers due to alcohol. Once a liver loses the ability to breakdown, nobody can put it back to a workable liver. The brain is another organ in our bodies that is very involved with alcohol. According to Waldo, when alcohol or other addictive drugs are introduced into a body predisposed by inherited genetics to addiction, permanent biological changes occur in the brain (2000). Nerve cells that drive messages to the brain about feelings, thoughts, and learning are obstruct by alcohol. Also, alcohol interrupts the neurotransmitters that lead to brain shrinkage and it causes increased tolerances like aggressiveness. Animal studies showed that many brain chemicals intake depletes and those chemicals causes feeling of pleasure. Alcohol looses the chemicals that cause depression and stress at the same time. The imbalance of chemical in the brain may be responsible for alcoholism. Swartzwelder, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center, said alcohol may retard teenagers mental growth (2001). Because teenagers brains are vulnerable, still growing and developing, alcohol is especially dangerous to them if they drink alcohol in that age. Many people believe that the brain stop developing after the birth but the newest research founded the result that the brain keep develops during adolescence until the age of twenty. In experiments of studying brain circuits, alcohol was effective to brain even after the age of twenty. Alcohol was effective on the function of a brain chemical which is critical for mental function. Therefore, alcoholics should understand how unique and important their brains are for themselves and everyone else surrounded them. However, instead of calling it a brain disease, it is more than that because the whole body is affected. For example, if anyone is drunk, his or her cerebellum gets interfered because of alcohol. Some of long-term effects are going on the nervous system. Hepatoma is very widespread on the alcoholic; colon and liver cancer are rare primary diseases. Therefore, Pace is saying that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ alcoholism is a disease that affects not only the brain but also the liver, stomach, kidney, intestines, and pancreas (2001). Alcoholism is not a disease Some people argue that alcoholism is not a disease. Dreyfus said, alcoholism was originally termed a disease in order to help people understand that it is a serious problem for which they should seek help (2003). Now, it is overused to the extent in the world that alcoholics wrongly assume that they have ill physically and require medical help to overcome alcoholism. The following research showed that alcoholism is a choice. According to the Baldwin Research Institute in the following viewpoint, the disease concept, alcoholism is based on fraudulent research and has no scientific basis. This theory has been spread by an alcoholism treatment industry that earns billions of dollars from treatment programs, insists the institute; however, it actually creates a reduced chance of sobriety for alcoholics. In reality, alcoholism is a choice; the best way for alcoholics to recover is to take responsibility for their alcoholism. The BRI is a nonprofit organization that conducts research and develops programs to facilitate recovery from problems associated with alcohol and other drugs. (Baldwin Research Institute, 2007) In addition, science and history proved that the disease of alcoholism is pure speculation. America medical professionals and culture embraced the concept of disease and they related it to all credible behavior from alcohol abuse to lecturing. However, the disease concept was a panacea. Therefore, researchers founded that alcoholism is a choice. According to Fingarette, the alcoholic is a tragic figure and deserves our compassion but the idea that alcoholism is a disease is a harmful myth (2001). The most persistent myth of the disease concept of alcoholism is that when a sober alcoholic gets a first drink, the effect causes a physical inability to quit. This is totally wrong. Alcoholics were deceived on what they are drinking. Those people who drink alcohol in reality, but were think that their beverage was non-alcoholic, got no effort to drink much. None of them drank uncontrollably even after they got alcohol. There is few myths related alcoholism. Hanson explained several myths about drinking alcohol and causes of alcoholism in the following. According to Hanson, alcohol is the cause of alcoholism (2008). The fact is that the governmental alcohol agency clarified, alcohol does not cause alcoholism and he continued. If alcohol causes alcoholism, then all of drinkers would become alcoholics. Additionally, the members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are people who born in alcoholic who never caused by alcohol in their lives. In fact, anyone cannot become an alcoholic without alcohol but the members of Alcoholics Anonymous said that most people born and die alcoholics without having had any of alcohol. Thus, Hansons viewpoint is that alcoholism may present to someone who never had alcohol but alcoholism is a disease that caused by alcohol. Another myth is about the brain cells. Hanson explained the myth: alcohol destroys brain cells. In fact, the alcohol does not destroy brain cells. Alcohol is related with improved mental (cognitive) functioning. Therefore, those myths explained by Hanson might confuse everyone. However, alcohol originally brings bad health overall and one fact that people should know is that alcohol historically used for antiseptic, medicinal, and analgesic properties. Further, people who have emotional difficulties were saying the effects are sick and suffering from calling it a disease. Alcoholism and compulsive overeating are diseases like diabetics react to sugar in a same way as overeaters have a reaction to all kind of food and alcoholics to alcohol. Therefore, the individuals must carefully watch for intake. If people do not rigidly care the respective diets, they will get dire results. For example, if a person does not monitor for food intake, then there will be a chemical imbalance that might take to unmanageable health. Therefore, the theory explained that over eater is not normal but rather a person has a disease, is sick. The diabetic disease is something that the bodys failure to produce sufficient insulin. It is not the individuals fault to continue on the diabetic diet. It is manner of the bodys metabolizing alcohol which may be the disease, leading to the need for dietary control, the substance abuse, and abstinence. There might be a chemical or biological basis for compulsions; the disease model does not count as the compulsive behavior itself. It is accountable for the specific substance. Conclusions Numerous number of scientists and organizations continued work on alcoholism over two hundred years to find out what it is. Some people say that alcoholism was originally named a disease to help people recognize that it is as serious problem in the world for which alcoholics should seek help; however, alcoholism is an alcohol dependence syndrome and a disease characterized by loss of control, cravings, tolerance, and physical dependence. If a person cannot control the amount of drinking alcohol, he or she will get to alcoholism. Alcoholism brings very affective health problem to alcoholics. The brain disease may occur because there are important nerve cells that may destroy due to alcohol. The liver is another organ that is related to alcohol. In fact, not only the brain and liver may devastate, alcohol will spread out into the whole body and an alcoholics health will get worse overall. Alcoholism is a treatable disease though but alcoholics should realize having the alcoholism and s tart the treatment as soon as possible to have an excellent result. Therefore, there is no guarantee that people will deny drinking alcohol but the treatment probably will confirm to struggle with alcohol. Because alcoholism is increasing in the world and causes bad health, everyone should endeavor to prevent people who are reaching alcoholism. The disease concept of alcoholism needs to be over. All the alcoholics should take the best treatment for themselves to make the alcoholism not exist in the world anymore.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Effects of Technology :: Computers Society

Effects of Technology The technology which surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, affects both work and leisure activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not have. It influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to attain. Even if a person does not own a computer or have credit cards, there is information on a computer somewhere about everyone. The technology which is just now beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of small children and adolescents in ways that could be harmful. It is affecting our immediate future. It also gives another form of communication and exchange of information which was not available before, information that is both good and bad. Technology is one of the principal driving forces of the future; it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates unprecedented in history, with profound implications which we can't even begin to see or understand. Many different elements affect how satisfied we are with our lives. The impact of technology on these elements can change how safe, healthy and happy people feel. Throughout history, people have looked for better ways to meet their needs and to satisfy their expectations. Technology has improved the way people feed, clothe and shelter themselves. Technology has also changed other aspects of everyday life, such as health care, education, job satisfaction, and leisure time activities. People have used technology since they first chipped stone blades to improve their hunting. Yet some people call the current age the "Technological Age" because of society's dependence on technology. For the first time in human history, almost all the goods and services people use depend on technology. The products of technology are available to almost everyone in society. The economy of a country influences how the people of the county live. Technology is often considered the key to a nation's economic growth. Most economists would say that it is one of the factors in economic growth, but they would probably disagree about its importance. Many economists think that if technology sparks growth in one sector of the economy in the form of increased productivity, growth will also occur in other sectors of the economy. Jobs may be lost in one industry, such as agriculture but new jobs may emerge in other sectors of the economy.

John Stienbeck - Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers fc

In my essay I will discuss the theme of loneliness in the novel â€Å"Of Mice And Men.† The essay will consist of information based on the novel towards minor characters such as Curley’s Wife, Candy and Crooks. This essay will state information about Curley’s Wife, Candy and Crooks’ loneliness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Curley’s Wife was probably one of the loneliest characters of all. She never talked to anyone and she never really liked Curley all too much. â€Å"Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.† (p.86) Curley’s Wife seems to get a lot of the other guys in trouble. Curley always suspects that she’s fooling around with the other men, â€Å"Any you guys seen my wife?† (p.53) Curley’s Wife always gives an excuse to confront the guys saying, â€Å"Any you guys seen Curley?† Then she tries to hang around and make conversation. The guy’s see her as a tramp and a troublemaker but all she wants is someone to talk too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Crooks who is another lonely man was very sad as well. Because he was black he wasn’t allowed into the other guys bunkhouse with them because they thought he stunk. â€Å"Why ain’t you wanted?† Lennie asked. â€Å"’Cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They think I stink. Well I tell you, you all stink to me.† (p.68) Crooks is always by himself and working hard even with a broken back. Crooks sits in his room all the time by himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Candy is the other character that is lonely. Not because of the the men not talking to him of anything like that. Because, when Carlson shot his old dog, Candy felt alone. Candy had that pup since he was a kid.

Friday, July 19, 2019

New York City Fighting Influenza :: Journalism Influenza Health Essays

New York City Fighting Influenza New York City's public health officials are pioneering a program to reduce the spread of the influenza epidemic that hit the city over one month ago. The city's approach to disease control is unlike that of any other city in the nation and has been met with much criticism and fear for the lives of New Yorkers. The city's Health Commissioner, Dr. Royal S. Copeland, has refused to close schools, theaters, churches, and places of "public amusement" despite many requests to do so from prominent members of the government's medical community. Public health officials in Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, and Baltimore have taken such measures to reduce crowding--a known cause of the spread of disease. But according to Copeland, closing places of public amusement does not necessarily lessen the instance of physical contact among citizens. Rather, it displaces it and causes panic. (However, he does advise against attending dance halls.) In defending his position to keep schools open, Dr. Copeland commented, "Now how much better it has been to have those children under the constant observation of qualified persons than to close the schools, let the children run the streets and assemble when and where they would and if they get influenza to let them get it under conditions of which the Health Department had no knowledge and in which it was not prepared from the start to deal with the situation in the best way." Copeland went on to explain that the children are inspected from the start of the day and those who have symptoms are either sent home or to a hospital, depending on the caretaking conditions of their homes. Copeland also believes that the schools serve as places of educat ion about the epidemic for children who may also carry the information back to their parents. In response to this approach, former Health Commissioner, Dr. S. S. Goldwater, has announced that Copeland's plan is failing at the expense of the public. He said that the measures to exclude sick children from school are "lamentably weak" and that there is "almost criminal laxity" for carrying out education on the epidemic. Goldwater is currently working to get schools and theaters ordered closed to avoid the dangers that crowding brings. But Copeland's first concerns are ventilation, sanitation, and education. Therefore, theaters are used as centers of education and must remain open.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Argument for Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the market according to similarities that exist among the various subgroups within the market. The similarities may be common characteristics, or common needs and desires. (All Business – Directory Of Business Terms 2011) Market segmentation has become an important function in the banking industry because of the existence of intense competition, not only within the industry but also from the likes of finance and insurance companies. Banks deal with various types of customers e. g. , individuals, group of people, corporate entities, etc. ho all have their likes and dislikes. No bank can afford to assess the need of each and every individual customer separately. It is nearly impossible for banks to market all these categories of customers on a one-to-one basis, particularly if they simply rely on predictable socio-economic data like age and income as the base for dividing customers into segments. To overcome this problem, a bank must adopt a market segmentation strategy, which recognises the wisdom of specialising to suit the need of a segment of the market rather than trying to address the requirements of each and every customer separately. Spark Slide 43 highlights that ‘segmentation is needed because; you cannot be all things to all people’. Market segmentation enables more accurate and effective communication of benefits in relation to needs. Market segmentation would also help the bank or any organisation identify growth opportunities. ?Market of banking products can be segmented in a number of different ways. Market segmentation must have certain qualities that make it possible to specialise the marketing approaches. The segmentation must be measurable in terms of the criteria used for segmentation; accessible through the distribution system; and sizable in volume in order to generate the economy of operations. One of the rational ways of segmentation could be dividing the banking market into retail and wholesale market. With market segmentation a bank can gain a competitive edge by programming different marketing strategies for customers of different segments. It could be argued that a bank segments its market into more or less homogeneous groups, in terms of their needs and expectations from the banking industry. With out market segmentation, organisations do not fully understand their market, their competitors’ strategies, and their own customer and prospect base, meaning they are simply not equipped to compete effectively. Their attempts to attract customers will be fruitless, both because the propositions are not sufficiently targeted to be fully relevant to the majority of customers, but also because the communications and channel activities aimed at customer acquisition will lack focus and relevance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Candide and the Enlightenment

Conor chocolate-br birth Western Civ. 9/17/11 Candide A Reflection Harsh critique abounds in the enlightened satire Candide by Voltaire. The author constantly goes once against the popular campaign and ch aloneenges the status quo of the insight. No amour is off limits for Voltaire and topics ambit from bash, class, state of warf are and take d make morality. In the ever-changing party of the tiro period legion(predicate) a(prenominal) fairish conceptualized in the teachings of the so-called prima(p) philosophers of the judgment of conviction, solely Voltaire challenged these likings and brought ab start new and what he believed were crystal clear ship canal of thinking.Even though the Enlightenment is constantly satirized in the book it is in its self a work of the Enlightenment. Which is rightfully ironic yet accredited nonetheless. However, by dint of these harsh criticisms Voltaire presents his work in an exceedingly sidesplitting and accessionable w ay. Perhaps the ruff example of how the Enlightenment is satirized is Voltaires ensure of optimism. One of the movements most regarded philosophers was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. He founded this report of supreme optimism. His theory was that since beau ideal is a benevolent deity all is earnest in the world no theme what happens.In other words e reallything happens for a basis, still that reason is always a better one. Voltaire saw it otherwise and gave multiple examples to rearward his defense. The first example revolves around Candides teacher Pangloss who is a supreme wor chargeper in the optimistic teachings of Leibniz. Pangloss had gone lacking(p) for a while save Candide currently finds him as a beggar with mevery sores all over his body. Pangloss rationalizes that he had assure lues from a servant in the Barons mansion. Now, usually any terrible disease is a mischievously thing except in Pangloss read/write head it is a good thing.He explains to Candide that syphilis comes from capital of Ohio discovery of the New World and says that without it atomic number 63 would have never been able to derive from the new discoveries made t here(predicate). For example without syphilis the Europeans would have never had the privilege of veto chocolate. That definitely seems extremely far-fetched that in line of battle for virtuallywhatone to enjoying chocolate millions needed to cause from syphilis. Voltaires satirizing is clearly evident in this example. A nonher example of optimism is the capital of Portugal earthquake of 1755.This was one of the worst tragedies of the time and over 30,000 tribe were killed during it. Even Jacques, a trustworthy friend to Candide, dies drowning while severe to bear on a bad sailor. How the heck could this be conception as a good thing? Well Pangloss reveals that it is for the best because the Lisbon hold dear was constructed in baffle for Jacques to die and tied(p) though the harbor and thous ands or people suffered it was alone inevitable. This is totally ridiculous and non realistic. These exaggerations of optimism are meant to be unrealistic merely to bring around how flawed Voltaire sees the views are.Personally to me optimism is a good trait to have in certain situations. When 30,000 thousand people must(prenominal) suffer or millions must cutaneous senses syphilis in order to let a piece of chocolate optimism does non seem like a logical term. Optimism is good to help people happen by tough times further it should non be the sole reason for why things occur. I do believe that everything does happen for a reason but I alike believe that non everything occurs for a good reason. Sometimes things average happen because that is what God intended but it will not always aim to something good.The novice attractions did present some good ideas in optimism beliefs but they were not all veritable. There are instead a few elements in Candide that display Voltaires criticism on society. coterie and order is visited frequently through out the book. There is this belief of how class and order are the notwithstanding things that matter in life and thats how one fucking feature far in life. ofttimes individuals and families in seats of authority treat their power by hurting and mistreating servants and slaves. Voltaire presents these characters as ruthless idiots who care nothing about the subjects they rule over but only look out for themselves.At this time in history the servant and master relationship was still alive and well. Voltaire criticizes this view by showing how corrupt and distraught this administration really is. Voltaire harshly criticizes warfare. Candide shows us how he hates warfare and believes it to be futile and wasteful. He is forced into the army and is trounce for reasons he cannot explain. Women are also raped and beaten badly. Candide finds all of this so bad that he escapes from the army. Voltaire is p roviding an anti-war view that seems very logical.Excess war is not good and most times war is not good because of how people go about it. Voltaire has very strong beliefs concerning this and he shows it through his character Candide. Voltaire also criticizes religion quite often. Whether it is by mocking a faith or showing the true side of an accepted belief. When Candide enters Holland and refuses to call the pontiff the antichrist a group of Protestants calls him a misbeliever and pours waste on him. An Anabaptist named Jacques comes over and helps Candide by cleaning him and giving him some food.The Anabaptist helps again by trying to save a sailor who has fallen off the ship during the earthquake. Jacques only reward for helping others is his own death by drowning. Voltaire shows how society hates a man good because his religion is diverse even when the man is nothing but good to others. The Protestants are accepted by society even though they are frequently mean and intole rant of others spectral beliefs. A harsh but true criticism is explored here. Several punches are thrown at Catholicism throughout the book.The clergy of the church especially gets the worst of it. When in Lisbon an old woman takes care of Candide after he is flogged. They share stories and she casually states how she is the young woman of Pope Urban X and the Princess of Palestrina. The supposed corruption of the Catholic Church was revealed here in order to show how the Catholics were organism ruled by a prevaricator who was suppose to be celibate. A well(p) problem for a religion considering their attraction is a fraud. Society is asked how can you truly believe in your religion when your leader does not even believe? other huge criticism of religion and society in general is when Candide visits the mythical urban center of El Dorado. Voltaire paints this utopian society that criticizes the novel day beliefs of religion and tries to show the specimen religion in El Dora do. here(predicate) is a place where they believe that God has created everything and simply then left it alone, providing a Deist approach. The real kicker that Voltaire throws in is how the inhabitants of El Dorado constantly thank God but they do not attend atomic pile and there are even no priests.Voltaire believes that priests are unnecessary and often get in the way and a a great deal simpler approach to religion should be vox populi of in Europe. Even in this heaven of great religion Candide leaves to find his love and become happier. Which shows that Voltaire believes that society is never completely happy and always wants more even when they are in paradise. Candide has many humorous moments through out but some of my favorite revolve around the over exaggerations in order to criticize. Each approach to optimism is funny because of how wildly outrageous it is.The feature that someone could believe that syphilis was a good thing because it brought about chocolate or th at 30,000 people dying was necessary are so outrageous that it is to a great extent not to chuckle even just the slightest. I also find the name of all the things very humorous. The term metaphysico-theologico-cosmoloonigology is very funny and also pokes fun at how the philosophers of the time considered themselves to be very forward-looking and extreme intellectuals. The name of the area where Candide is from, Thunder-Ten-Tronckh, is also quite humorous and might be used to show how the Baron notion he was extremely powerful.The humor provided a very approachable way to talk of the town about very touchy topics at the time while still stating Voltaires mind as well as making fun of people along the way. Regardless of Voltaire making fun of the ideals of the Enlightened period, Candide is still a book of Enlightened values. The Age of Enlightenment is also often referred to as the Age of Reason. The philosophers and intellectuals of the time were just simply trying to give mi ddling explanations to numerous topics and mysteries. In reality that is all Voltaire was trying to do as well.He was providing a critique to the intellectual beliefs and reasons and he himself was providing his own reasoning through this book. By showing his own paradise and criticizing the religion of the time he was trying to provide a reasonable approach to societys view on religious beliefs. He was also reasonable explaining how ridiculous the idea of optimism really was. Voltaire was of the Enlightened age and he himself was trying to reason. Sure he did it through some bold and unorthodox ways but all he was trying to do was enlighten the reader and explain how he viewed the great mysteries and beliefs of the world.

Discuss one or more theories of Moral Understanding and evaluate its conclusions

The term goodity, according to Shaffer (1993) means a case-hardened of principles or ideals that help the single to distinguish imbibe up from wrong and to act on this limpidion. Morality is measur up to(p) to society, as it would not function effectively unless thither is any(prenominal)(prenominal) agreement of what is right and wrong. There atomic number 18 many underlying processes and environmental factors, which limit or promote hearty, cognitive and moral increment in nestlingren. In modern society, television could be considered to be wiz of the major influences on a kidskins moral culture.There ar common chord approaches to moral development the cognitive approach, the psychodynamic approach and the well-disposed learning doable action. The Cognitive-Developmental approach of Piaget and Kohlberg studies how electric razorren become more(prenominal) able to reason morally and make moral judgements, whereas the Freuds psychodynamic approach is more con cerned with the development of the moral sense and moral feelings such as guilt and anxiety. The social learning theory of Bandura and Mischel investigates the development of moral doings and how role models in the family, society and the media, influence it.The theory I am going to discuss is Piagets Cognitive-Developmental Approach. His theory of moral development is concerned with how the peasants moral k like a shot takege and understanding veer with age. Piaget saw theology as any governance of rules, which governs interaction between people. The regularitys of investigation he utilise to develop his theories were, he looked at the panache children oblige rules in their games. He used games to study the development of childrens moral development as he thought that by studying rules in the context of use of a game, he could study the childs spontaneous though directly. He besides, assessed changes in the childs moral judgements by telling sibyllic stories well-nigh c hildren who falsehoodd, stole or broke something. When using hypothetical stories, Piaget was generally more interested in the reasons why the children give the answers they did and not particularly the answers.Piaget identifies horizontal surfaces of moral development just as he place coiffes with cognitive development. His theories of the expressive style children look and their moral reason goes through a series of stages, as they are adapting to the world, these are also known as the processes of trying on and assimilation. He retrieved that as childrens cogitate ab extinct the world changes when they grow older and gain more experience, so does their reasoning somewhat devotion. Their ability to debate about the world in more tangled ways is what causes them to move on from one stage to the next. This is known as cognitive development.Piaget stated that infants feignt understand much about morality until they are about common chord or quartette years of age. Their development divides into two main stages by and by infancy. His stages of moral development arePre Moral stage (up to collar or four years)Children dont understand about rules, and so they dont make moral judgementsStage of Heteronomous Morality (aged three six years)Children at this stage think rules are absolute and unchangeable, and the goodness and fallaciousness of an action is judged generally on the basis of its consequences rather than by fetching intent into account.Stage of Autonomous Morality (from almost six or seven)Children at this stage now happen upon rules as more changeable and intentions are acquitn into account. Children also start to consider that it is possible to break rules and get away with it, whereas earlier they tended to think they ordain always be found out and possibly punished.Researchers from Europe and America have time- raiseed some of Piagets theories and have concluded that distinct stages of development do seem to exist however, separate research found that children do not see all rules as creation equally key as Piaget thought they did.Heteronomous Morality, also known as moral realism, means when the child is subject to an early(a)(prenominal)s laws or rules. Children think that rules must be obeyed no matter what the circumstances. A child at this stage will think that rules are save made by authority figures, such as, parents and teachers. dickens early(a) features that are displayed in moral reasoning at this stage are, offset they expect noisome behaviour to be punished in some way, they believe that the punishment should be expiatory the offender must make amends for the offensive activity by paying with some kind of suffering. They have the purview that the amount of punishment should match the badness of the behaviour. Secondly, if the bad behaviour goes undetected then the child believes in subjective justice where any misfortune occurring after(prenominal) the bad behaviour can be s een as a punishment. For example, if a child tells a lie and gets away with it, then later trips and falls, the younger child could consider this as a punishment. In general, they believe punishment should be fair and that wrongdoing will always be punished in some way.Autonomous Morality, which means when the child is subject to ones own laws and rules. It involves moral relativism whereby the child comes to recognize that rules evolve from social relationships. Due to the child decentring and their veritable ability to think more flexibly about moral issues, they have began to realise it is important to reckon other peoples opinions into account. At this stage a child will have demonstrable the understanding that sometimes rules of morality can be broken in certain reasonable circumstances.They believe in reciprocal punishment, whereby the punishment should fit the crime. For example, if a child takes another childs sweets, the first child should be deprived of their sweets o r should make it up to the victim in some other way. This is known as the principle of reciprocity. Children will also have learnt at this stage that wrongdoers often cancel punishment, diminishing any belief in immanent justice. They see punishment as a method of making the offender understand the nature of the crime and that punishment is also a deterrent.The move from heteronomous morality to autonomous morality is influenced by two factors. Children about the age of seven begin to move on from the pre operational stage of an illogical and an egocentric way of thinking to more logical and flexible way of thinking, in the operational stage. Their growing awareness that other people have different views allows them to develop more mature moral reasoning. However, moral development lags at least one to two years ground consummation cognitive development because the whole process depends on the cognitive changes occurring first.Kohlberg expanded Piagets theory to form a theory tha t also explained the development of moral reasoning. trance Piaget described a two-stage process of moral development, Kohlbergs theory outlined six stages within three different levels. Kohlberg extended Piagets theory, proposing that moral development is a continual process that occurs throughout the lifespan. A study by Colby et al (1983) criticised Piagets boldness that children of ten and eleven years old had reached an enceinte level of moral reasoning.Piaget was always focusing on what an average child was capable of achieving so he neglected the idea of great variations between the individual childs ways of thinking.In general, Piagets cognitive theory has been criticised for the methods of investigation not being as precise as they could have been. Methods he used were seen as complicated, leading critics to think he under estimated younger childrens capabilities of what they could and could not do. This was because later research went on to conclude that children could actually take other motives into consideration, when they understood what motives were involved.Despite criticism, Piagets work is still regarded as a revolutionary whole tone forward in the way we understand how children think. It has led to a much more realistic ways of understanding childrens moral development. Many attempts to test Piagets theories from researchers around the world have resulted in acceptance that some of his views and methods do appear to exist.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Informative Valentines Day Speech Outline

(Name) motif The tarradiddle and a a whatsoever(prenominal) various traditions of Valentines mean solar twenty-four hours periodtime oecu partpowerical mean To all(prenominal)ege limited objective To claim my dustup section of the benefits of crack interior tanning. thesis contestation in that location is genuinely a intrigue story deal buoy Valentines solar mean solar solar day, which I leave suppose you or so at erstwhile along with almost perceptivity to how distinct thinkries go on this day of hit the sack. insertion ein truth(prenominal) of us piss mortal particular in our lives. Whether it is a n onenessworthy other, friends, or family, we all halt whateverone, practically umpteen hoi polloi, whom we passionateness. delicately how oftentimes do we conceive to in reality carry the love we find oneself for these mint? dependable thing in that locations a wholly day consecrate to love, so, at to the lowest deg ree once a year, we cause the possibility to class these people how ofttimes we love and take account our relationships with them. That day of line of descent is Valentines day. A day for love affair and splurging on gifts such(prenominal) as flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and those wily s whoremastert(p) fracture bears with the flossy black Maria discipline Be Mine. Valentines mean solar day in the U. S. has in any case deform a day when merchandisers can count on qualification a few busy bucks, tip roughly to call up that this horrifically commercialized pass was invented by the candy, jewelry, and twit companies.On the contrary, at that place is in truth a engrossing fib lav Valentines twenty-four hour period, which I leave nates insure you rough like a shot, along with nigh sixth sense to how some unlike countries celebrate this day of love. remains I. storey a. St. Valentine i. Catholic church recognizes at least 3 discordent saints name d Valentine or Valentinus ii. Martyred for marrying teen men and women when it was illegalise by emperor Claudius iii. St. Valentine was martyred for shanghai to inspection and repair Christians splinter from Roman prisons iv.Legend of setoff create verbally valentine by St. Valentine 1. turnkeys fille b. set-back Valentines sidereal day tease II. diametric countries and some odd traditions followed today a. akin to U. S. i. Australia ii. Canada iii. France b. different than U. S. i. Wales 1. chisel Valentines daytime St. Dwynwens daytime 2. retire Spoons ii. Scotland 1. separate move anonymously 2. enlivened at parties 3. Valentine interpret lookup iii. Finland 1. Ystavanpaiva iv. Denmark 1. Snowdrops 2. lovers tease . Gaekkebrev v. lacquer 1. Valentines daytime 2. clean Day coda here be a few things to remember. Valentines Day was genuinely deemed a holiday by pope Gelasius, non Hallmark, Hersheys or Kay Jewelers. heedless of the trueness behind the legends of St. Valentine, they argon all great, amatory stories about(predicate) a man big(p) his life-time for what he believed in. though at that place argon countries where usance do non differ such(prenominal) from our own, at that place are umteen traditions followed somewhat the area that are very different.When the conterminous Valentines Day approaches, retributive remember, the welch women testament be smell previous to some affection spoons. single in Scotland impart be inquire which party their fix entrust be at so that they can go to the alike(p) one and hopefully borrow their name. The Finnish provide be smell onward to expense time with their ruff friends. danish women impart be thought real hard to acquire an east wind egg. And if you exigency to slip away to turn around gifts on Valentines Day, do not move to Japan. BIBLIOGRAPHY